free event / Lecture / live event
October 14, 2023
F.A.D.A. 317: Othman Bin Affan St. Bldg. 50 Area - 1st Circle - Rainbow St.
+ 00 962 7 9919 1795
Saturday, October 14, 2023, 1PM ~
I will be giving my very first lecture in the Middle East through the kind invite of Fada 317 from Amman, Jordan.
It is open to the public, please come join!
zWe are beyond excited as Japanese Illustrator Yuko Shimizu is visiting Jordan and has kindly offered to hold a talk in Amman @fada317. Pass by to learn about her experience as an award-winning illustrator. The talk, followed by a Q&A, starts at 1 PM on October 14.
لن تتخيلوا كم نحن متحمسون بزيارة الرسامة اليابانية يوكو شيميزو إلى الأردن، حيث عرضت علينا إجراء محاضرة في عمان في ف.ض.ا.ء. 317. تفضلوا بالحضور للتعرف على تجربتها كرسامة حائزة على عدة جوائز. تبدأ المحاضرة، التي ستليها أسئلة وأجوبة، في الساعة الواحدة ظهرًا يوم 14 تشرين الأول.
free event / Lecture / Panel Discussion
May 25, 2023
Conference / free event / online event
October 27-28, 2021
free event / Lecture / online event
March 11, 2021
6:00PM EST ~
Join artists Marc Burckardt, Marcos Chin, Sebastian Curi and myself for a free online talk event tonight. We will be discussing our projects which have won medals from this year’s Society of Illustrators annual competition.
Registration is free. Please follow the link below.
More Details Here
Conference / Lecture / online event
February 6 – 7, 2021
Competition / Conference / free event / Lecture
November 14, 2020
Exhibition / Group Show
starting October 16, 2020
Norman Rockwell Museum 9 Route 183 Stockbridge, MA 01262
413-298-4100 x 221
starting October 16, 2020
The Unity Project is an initiative taken by Norman Rockwell Museum to inspire Americans to vote in the 2020 presidential election.
The museum has commissioned six working illustrators to each create a poster to encourage citizens to go vote.
All the posters are exhibited at the museum as a part of Imagine Freedom exhibit.
More Details Here
January 31 – February 8, 2020