Kyoto International Manga Museum 京都国際マンガミュージアム Kyoto, Japan -
March 3 - June 2, 2013 -
Sketchtravel exhibition is arriving to Kyoto International Manga Museum in Kyoto, Japan.
What started as a small fun project of passing around a sketchbook among artists around the world in 2006, turned out to be something a lot bigger scale by the time last page was filled in 2011, resulting in publishing of the book in multiple language editions and becoming a bestseller in France and Japan, traveling exhibitions, and most importantly, auctioning off the original book to fund Room To Read to build libraries in five countries so far.Contributing artists include: Hayao Miyazaki, James Jean, Tomer Hanuka, Mike Mignola, Katsuya Terada, Natalie Ascencios to name a few. The project was conceived and organized by Dice Tsutsumiand Gerald Guelais.
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