The new book dedicated to the controversial novel by Vladimir Nabokov LOLITA The Story of a Cover Girl (by John Bertram and Yuri Leving, Print Books) has just come out.
It is already getting a review and a very insightful interview to John Bertram in The New Yorker.
One of the fantastic main features of this book is to have graphic designers and illustrators re-imagine Lolita covers. (Below is the one I created, which is included in the book.) As Mr. Bertram speaks in the New Yorker interview, the original book is not what most of the people, who have only known Lolita from the famous movie and popular culture references, think.
To create the cover, I have revisited the novel for the first time in many decades since I initially read it in high school. I do also clearly recall thinking “oh, this was not what I thought this book was” back then.
Some fantastic new interpretations of the covers are included in this book. I posting some of my personal favorite here.
September is quickly approaching, and I am thinking that this would make a GREAT assignment for Marcos and my senior students at SVA. So, if you have signed up for our class, maybe you should start reading!
my interpretation of LOLITA cover
one of my favorites by Sam Weber
get your copy of LOLITA The Story of a Cover Girl here