I know, I just came back from Reasons to be Creative conference in the UK (I will write about it later), but I took off again, now to Calgary, Canada. Studio is closed till next Monday, September 28.
Those who are attending CAMP Festival creative conference, see you there. I designed this year’s poster, so I can’t wait to see how they are used and displayed during the event.
Drawing workshop is back by popular demand and sold out (thank you!!). 20+ participants and I will be drawing all day long on Sunday. I am really looking forward to it. See you participants!
I will also be presenting on the main stage on Monday. I will try my best to say something that’s useful for the audience…
If you are near by but you have not purchased the ticket to the event yet, they may still be some left. Please check the availability at campfestival.ca
September 18, 2015