I am hoping to blog about it at DRAWGER soon. This is probably the most time-consuming cover I have done so far (and I am about to finish up #18 as I write this).
The team (my editor, writer and interior artist) wanted “Where is Waldo” for this. Yap, Where is Waldo. When they came to me with the idea I said “Ummmm…..Let me think about this… I am not an artist who does great drawing small people everywhere on the page, so I have to come up with my own style of Where is Waldo”. And this was my answer. My images don’t work well unless there is depth and interesting camera view. So, the result is the main character: Tom in the middle and fill up the rest of the space with pretty much almost every single characters who’s ever appeared in the series. I personally don’t love “busy”. I think I pulled it off by limiting the color palette.
If you are a loyal Unwritten reader, enjoy the game of guessing every single one of them, including some obscure side characters I threw in. Oh, and there is one character who is NOT from the series but from the team’s former iconic series from Vertigo. Can you guess? Even Mike and Peter took a while to figure everyone out. 🙂