Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimizu

Award winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.

September 16, 2005

X Funs
Space Boombox
It is September. The New school year has just started. I am teaching a second year “Principles of Illustration” class this semester at SVA. Also, I just visited Pratt Instituteas a guest lecturer for the first time on September 15. Thank you Minh Uong (instructor, art director of Village Voice) for not just giving me the very first illustration job about three years ago but also inviting me to his Senior Portfolio class!Hello Taiwan! Design magazine X FUNS #19 has 8 page feature on my work, along with newly created cover. I also designed the page and created the logo. Thank you Tytee Tan, editor of X FUNS, for the wonderful opportunity. (more will be posted soon.)

Have you started Christmas shopping? I contributed a piece for NPR’s 2006 calendar along with 13 other artists including Whitney Sherman and John Ritter. purchase this lovely calendar, and contribute to National Public Radio.

Other recent illustrations are: The New Yorker (Sep 12 and Sep 26 issues), LA Times Book Review Cover (August 28 issue), Domino October issue, Fast Company (September and October issues), and New York Walker every two weeks as usual.